How Long to Achieve a Credit Score of 700-800?

A credit score falling between 700-800 is deemed highly favourable, surpassing the national average. This range qualifies individuals for optimal interest rates and terms on loans and credit cards. Lenders consider an 800 credit score as excellent, positioning individuals for the most advantageous loan terms. However, attaining this exceptional score demands a committed investment of time and effort.

The duration required to achieve an 800 credit score depends on various factors, including:

  • Your current credit score

  • Your credit history

  • Your credit utilization ratio

  • Your mix of credit accounts

  • Any negative items on your credit report

Individuals with a positive credit history and a low credit utilization ratio may attain an 800 credit score within a few years. On the contrary, those with a poor credit history or a high credit utilization ratio may experience a longer journey.


What Makes Up a Credit Score?

A credit score is a numerical representation derived from a comprehensive examination of an individual’s credit records. It functions as an indicator of the person’s creditworthiness, playing a crucial role in various financial transactions. The fundamental basis for computing a credit score is rooted in the credit report, typically obtained from credit bureaus.

Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, heavily depend on these credit scores to assess the risk associated with lending money, with the goal of minimizing potential losses related to bad debt. Credit scores serve as a guide for lenders in determining loan eligibility, setting interest rates, establishing credit limits, and identifying customers likely to contribute significant revenue.


How is a Credit Score Computed?

In Canada, two major credit bureaus—TransUnion and Equifax—collect detailed information about your credit history, including payment records, credit utilization ratio, and the length of your credit history. Using this information, your credit score is calculated. The widely utilized credit scoring model is the FICO® Score, which ranges from 300 to 850, with a higher score indicating better creditworthiness. A score of 670 or above is generally considered good.

Here’s a breakdown of credit score ranges:

  • Below 580: Poor

  • 580-669: Fair

  • 670-739: Good

  • 740-799: Very Good

  • 800-850: Excellent


Advantages of a Strong Credit Score

A robust credit score offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly impact your financial well-being:

  • Access to the most favourable interest rates and terms on loans and credit cards.

  • Increased likelihood of approval for loans and credit card applications.

  • Potential for lower insurance rates, saving on premiums.

  • Streamlined rental processes when applying for apartments or houses.

  • Improved prospects for securing better employment opportunities.


How to Achieve a 700 – 800 Credit Score Quickly:

Your FICO® Score of 800 is exceptional, falling within the range of scores from 800 to 850. This categorization as “Exceptional” places your credit score well above the average, enhancing your ability to receive easy approvals when applying for new credit.

Remarkably, 21% of all consumers currently possess FICO® Scores within this exceptional range, reflecting the significance and rarity of achieving such a high credit score.

Improving your credit score to a level of 800 is a process that requires diligent efforts and an understanding of how credit scores work. Achieving a 700 or 750 credit score is a notable milestone and can be accomplished relatively quickly once you grasp the nuances of credit management.

  • Regularly Review Your Credit Report: Frequently examining your credit report allows you to pinpoint areas for enhancement and address any inaccuracies. You are entitled to receive one free credit report per year from each of the three major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Identifying inaccuracies and promptly filing disputes for corrections can result in rapid updates to your credit score.

  • Ensure Timely Payments: The punctuality of payments is crucial, accounting for 35% of your credit score. Missing payments can have a substantial negative impact on your score. Making consistent on-time payments over several months can aid in recovering your score, even if you’ve experienced a missed payment, as such instances typically remain on your credit report for seven years.

  • Refrain From Closing Longstanding Accounts: Maintaining open and active old credit accounts has a positive impact on your credit score. The closure of accounts, particularly those with a significant history, can lead to changes in your credit utilization ratio, average account age, and credit mix, potentially resulting in a lower credit score.

  • Incorporate Rent Payments and Utility Bills Into Your Credit Report: This is an alternative strategy to enhance your credit history. Explore services like Experian Boost or comparable options offered by TransUnion to ensure these payments are reflected in your credit report, potentially contributing to an improvement in your credit score.

  • Boost Your Credit Limit: Taking steps to increase your credit card and line-of-credit limits can have a positive impact on your credit score, particularly if your credit is already in good standing. A higher credit limit helps decrease your credit utilization ratio, contributing to an overall improvement in your credit profile.

  • Utilize Your Credit Cards for Minor Transactions: Demonstrating responsible credit card usage, such as making small and regular purchases and promptly settling them, showcases your creditworthiness and has a positive, gradual impact on your credit score.

  • Settle the Balances On Your Maxed-out Credit Cards Promptly: Elevated levels of debt have an adverse impact on your credit score. Make it a priority to pay off these maxed-out credit cards and employ effective debt repayment strategies such as the snowball or avalanche method. By doing so, you can eliminate debt and enhance your credit standing.

  • Avoid Opening Numerous New Credit Accounts Within a Brief Timeframe: This can adversely affect your credit score. It is recommended to stagger new account openings and exercise caution regarding the associated hard inquiries to preserve a sound and healthy credit score.

  • Be Aware of the Rate-Shopping Window: Understanding the rate-shopping window is crucial when applying for credit. FICO allows for rate shopping, treating similar inquiries within a specific timeframe as a single inquiry, minimizing any potential negative effects on your credit score.

  • Consistently Keep an Eye on Your Credit Regularly: Monitoring it, staying abreast of changes and updates. This practice aids in tracking your journey toward an improved credit score and enables prompt identification of any suspicious activity or inaccuracies that may have a negative impact on your score.

  • Communicate with Creditors: Engage in communication with your creditors if you encounter financial challenges. Share your situation with them, as they may be open to negotiating a repayment plan or providing flexibility. This proactive approach can help you sidestep negative repercussions on your credit score resulting from late payments.

  • Explore Professional Credit Counseling: If the task of managing your finances and enhancing your credit score feels daunting, consider reaching out to a professional credit counselor. They can offer personalized advice, assist you in creating a budget, and provide guidance on effectively managing your debts.

  • Be Patient and Persistent: Enhancing your credit score is a gradual process that requires persistent effort. Stay patient and consistent in your financial endeavours. Adhere to your plan, ensure timely payments, and cultivate good financial habits. With time, your credit score will incrementally improve.


Bottom Line

While reaching a credit score of 700 or 750 can be relatively swift, attaining the esteemed 800 credit score demands unwavering financial discipline and a comprehensive credit management approach. By incorporating these strategies into your credit improvement plan, you can elevate your creditworthiness and work towards achieving a credit score that opens doors to favourable financial opportunities.


  1. DebtOrg –

  2. GoBakingRates –

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